The Fall of Man and the Temptations of Jesus

The temptations that the devil presented to Adam, which led to the fall of mankind, and the temptations presented to Jesus, who eventually delivered mankind from the clutches of sin are similar. Though the circumstances of the temptations were different, the motive […]

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Mother Mary – Queen of Heaven and Earth – Assumption of Mary – Mary’s Queenship

According to Catholic tradition, Mother Mary is addressed as the Queen of Heaven and Earth. People often wonder can there be a Biblical basis behind this title. Let us take a look at the various scriptural references which validate Mother Mary as […]

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Mary has chosen the good portion!

Jesus Visits Martha and Mary – “Now as they went on their way, he entered a village; and a woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to […]

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Biblical basis of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

During the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, through the ministry of the priest, Jesus Christ provides spiritual healing as well as the grace to endure and heal from a physical ailment. Let us the look at the various Biblical references of […]

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Sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Bible

The sacrament of the Holy Matrimony is a covenant between the husband and wife and it symbolizes the marriage of Christ and his Church.  Let us look at the various Biblical references of the sacrament of marriage. Creation of Man and Woman […]

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Jesus reveals about the Holy Spirit!

Jesus Christ gave us a variety of insights on the third person of the Trinity – the Holy Spirit! Let us look at the various characteristics of the Holy Spirit, Jesus revealed to us specifically in the Chapters of John 14-16. Holy […]

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Divine Mercy & the Bible

The Divine Mercy prayer is primarily based on the eternal mercy of God. Our merciful father loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son, so that by trusting in Jesus we could have eternal life. Let us explore the […]

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Jesus Christ – Prophet, Priest & King

In the Old Testament, we encounter three major offices or roles – Prophets, Priests and Kings. Jesus Christ fulfilled these three roles and is known as the Greatest of all Prophets, Priests and Kings. Jesus Christ – the Prophet: Prophets are God’s […]

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Peter, Temple Tax and the Fish – Primacy of Peter

The scripture passage from the gospel of Mathew (17:24-27) about Peter and the Temple Tax is relatively short but at the same time very profound. It recognizes the Divinity and Son-ship of Jesus Christ as well as the primacy of Peter. When […]

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Jesus and the Man Born Blind – The Power of Testimony

The narrative of Jesus healing the man born blind is mentioned only in the gospel of John and this passage consists of many intriguing details. The passage tells us how the man was first healed from his physical blindness and how Jesus […]

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