Blog Posts

Real Presence in the Eucharist

Where in the Bible can we confirm this! Did Jesus institute the sacrament of Eucharist? Did He instruct his disciples to literally eat His body and drink His blood? Did Jesus confirm by eating this bread and drinking this cup, we are […]

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Holy Mass in the Bible (The Walk to Emma’us)

Do you know how the Holy Mass is related to the incidents that happened on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). Let’s begin by understanding the two main parts of the Catholic Mass. The first part is called the Liturgy of the […]

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Hail Full of Grace

Have you ever wondered the significance of Angel Gabriel’s greeting to Mother Mary – ‘Hail, Full of Grace’ (Luke1:28). The nativity of Jesus is best explained in the gospel of Luke with intricate personal details. It is believed that Mother Mary herself […]

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