Blog Posts

Sacrament of Baptism – Biblical Basis

Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration and initiation into the church. By the merits of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, the sacrament of Baptism causes the total annulment of the sins and ushers the baptized individual into a new life. Let […]

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Victory Song of Mother Mary – Magnificat

“My soul magnifies the LordAnd my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid;For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;Because He who is mighty has done great things for me,and holy is His name;And […]

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Feeding the Five Thousand!

The feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle which is mentioned in all the four gospels. Let us take a deep dive into the significance of this great miracle performed by our savior, Jesus Christ. Were there only five thousand: […]

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Jesus reveals about the Holy Spirit!

Jesus Christ gave us a variety of insights on the third person of the Trinity – the Holy Spirit! Let us look at the various characteristics of the Holy Spirit, Jesus revealed to us specifically in the Chapters of John 14-16. Holy […]

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Divine Mercy & the Bible

The Divine Mercy prayer is primarily based on the eternal mercy of God. Our merciful father loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son, so that by trusting in Jesus we could have eternal life. Let us explore the […]

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Jesus Christ – Prophet, Priest & King

In the Old Testament, we encounter three major offices or roles – Prophets, Priests and Kings. Jesus Christ fulfilled these three roles and is known as the Greatest of all Prophets, Priests and Kings. Jesus Christ – the Prophet: Prophets are God’s […]

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Prophecies on the Birth of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus, the lineage of the savior and the events surrounding His birth were prophesied by the prophets in the Old Testament. Messiah would be born of a woman Prophecy: “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and […]

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Prophecies on the Passion of Christ

Jesus Christ is revealed in every book of the Bible. The birth of Jesus, His life, the redemption of mankind by His death on the cross and the resurrection were all prophesied by the prophets in the Old Testament. Let us look […]

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King David retrieving the Ark and the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth

The Philistines who had captured the Ark, sent it back to the Israelites as it had caused problems for them. King David retrieved the Ark of the Covenant from them. There are many similarities between this event and the visitation of Mary […]

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The contents of the Ark of the Covenant

Let us explore the contents of the Ark of the Covenant and their similarities to Mother Mary. God specifically instructed Moses to build the Ark with Acacia wood and it had to be overlaid with gold inside and outside. “You shall make […]

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