Jesus and the Man Born Blind – The Power of Testimony
The narrative of Jesus healing the man born blind is mentioned only in the gospel of John and this passage consists of many intriguing details. The passage tells us how the man was first healed from his physical blindness and how Jesus eventually healed the man from his spiritual blindness.
When Jesus and the disciples see the blind man, the disciples asks Jesus who is to be blamed for the man’s blindness and Jesus responds, no one is to be blamed and the man was born blind so that the works of God might be revealed in him (John 9:3). Suffering should not be always associated as a punishment for our sins but it could be means for the manifestation of greater good.
Jesus then proclaims that he is the light of the world and then he spits on the ground and makes clay from his saliva and smears the clay on the blind man’s eyes and tells him to wash his eyes in the Pool of Siloam (John 9:5-7). The light of the world uses clay to create new eyes for the man. The actions of Jesus have similarities to how God the father created man from dust in the book of Genesis.
The Pharisees question the man and his parents about the miracle and the man boldly defends Jesus. Here we can observe the man who has been healed from his physical blindness, is gradually getting spiritually healed. The blind man proclaims the man who healed him is called Jesus (John 9:11) and is a prophet (John 9:17) and is a man from God who does God’s will (John 9:31-33).
The Pharisees ejected the man from the temple because of his testimony. The blind man was not afraid to defend Jesus before the Jews though he knew the consequences and then Jesus comes in search for him. Jesus reveals to him that he is the Son of God (John 9:35). The inner eyes of the man is opened and he believes in Jesus Christ and worships Christ (John 9:38). Similar to Christ’ encounter with the Samaritan Woman, we see the Light of the world eager to reveal himself to His people and thus heal them from their blindness.