Mary has chosen the good portion!

Jesus Visits Martha and Mary – “Now as they went on their way, he entered a village; and a woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to […]

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Feeding the Five Thousand!

The feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle which is mentioned in all the four gospels. Let us take a deep dive into the significance of this great miracle performed by our savior, Jesus Christ. Were there only five thousand: […]

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Peter, Temple Tax and the Fish – Primacy of Peter

The scripture passage from the gospel of Mathew (17:24-27) about Peter and the Temple Tax is relatively short but at the same time very profound. It recognizes the Divinity and Son-ship of Jesus Christ as well as the primacy of Peter. When […]

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Jesus and the Man Born Blind – The Power of Testimony

The narrative of Jesus healing the man born blind is mentioned only in the gospel of John and this passage consists of many intriguing details. The passage tells us how the man was first healed from his physical blindness and how Jesus […]

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The Samaritan Woman – Spiritual Journey of a Disciple

The conversion of the Samaritan Woman is one of the most amazing conversions recorded in the Bible. Here we see a God, who is eager to reveal Himself to the Samaritan Woman and He blesses her with the ‘living water’. The changes […]

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